Independence Weekend at the Independent


We shall close our doors on Friday, July 4 to celebrate the day that rich white men grew so sick of paying taxes that they instead formalized a Declaration of Independence from their taxing body.  These colors don’t run, except from reasonable tax raises after long, costly wars (see: French and Indian War and Iraq...both times).



We shall be open Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday for our normal hours.  In fact, we’re declaring this weekend Independent’s Weekend:  a weekend long party dedicated to, well, local, craft beer.  What’s special, you ask?  Very little, actually.  But the name was catchy and you won’t have to go to work until Monday, so it’s a good excuse to drink exclusively craft beer for a weekend.  Declare your personal independence from bad beer!  Your right to do so is  inalienable.  



Join us for Independent Brewer's Happy Hour.  All beers $5 from 5 until 7.  That'll teach your employer to  give you a day off!



Lucky the Painproof Man tends bar with a very special guest, Nikolai Konick of Washington, DC, to bring you "Rock N Roll Agricole Night."  Flyer attached.  Cocktails will feature the delicious flavors of Rhum Clement.  


O' SAY CAN YOU SEE! (on the horizon that is)

Next Saturday, July 12, the Independent Brings you Lebowski Night.  What:  cocktails, lot's of cocktails, each named after a different Lebowski character, and STYLED after a different Lebowski character (let the speculation begin).  Vinyl!  Lot's of vinyl!  All (ok, nearly all) with some loose relation to the movie (e.g. Credence tapes, Dylan deep cuts, Kraftwerk).  Most importantly, there will be no Eagles.  "I hate the fucking Eagles, man."